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The Evolution of Customer Service

Evolution of customer service

Customer service has come a long way, transforming from a simple transactional exchange to a holistic experience encompassing the entire customer journey. In this blog, we will explore the fascinating evolution of customer service, focusing on its expansion beyond the point of sale, delve into the emergence of live chat for customer service, the changing

Major Reasons That Make Live Chat So Popular

live chat

Everyone who has used live chat services will be aware of the benefits it offers. It is quick, convenient, less in your face, and perfect for instant communication when not using the phone. Customers have started demanding more, and they have started expressing themselves if they are not happy with the service that you are

Measuring the Success of your Customer Live Chat Service Team

Customer Live Chat Service

Being part of a customer live chat service team is not an easy job. They represent a business, and they have to remain professional, courteous and helpful throughout their customer interactions. They need to provide in-depth product information, some technical guidance or just simply lend a sympathetic, yet impartial, ear during complaints. Then there are