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The Evolution of Customer Service

Evolution of customer service

Customer service has come a long way, transforming from a simple transactional exchange to a holistic experience encompassing the entire customer journey. In this blog, we will explore the fascinating evolution of customer service, focusing on its expansion beyond the point of sale, delve into the emergence of live chat for customer service, the changing

Better Customer Service and Happier Customers: Live Chat Agent

Live Chat Agent Better Customer Service and Happier Customers

Your customer service division is the best to start with if you’re looking for strategies to boost business profitability with live chat. Your company’s reputation will be enhanced by having well-trained customer care personnel. This will also aid in acquiring new clients and retaining existing ones. Why Is Customer Service Important? Customer service is the

Making Your Customers Happy – The Live Chat Way

Live Chat Tool

All it took was just 3 minutes. This was the second time I had ordered from the same online retailer and didn’t receive the order. Three options were given by the support website – phone call, email and live chat. A phone call seemed quicker, but I was not in the mood to talk to