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Live Chat Services: How to Use Live Chat to Convert Website Visitors into Customers

Converting website visitors to customers

In today’s digital landscape, live chat services have become a powerful tool for businesses to engage with website visitors and convert them into loyal customers. Let us explore the benefits of live chat services, discuss managed live chat services, and highlight practical strategies for utilising live chat to drive website conversions. The Benefits of Live

How to Manage Your Own Live Chat?

Manage Live Chat

What to do if you are a small business and want to manage your own live chat? A major challenge for small businesses is selecting and implementing tools that deliver positive ROI without requiring too much time and effort. Small businesses need efficient solutions particularly when we are looking at something like live chat. Effective

The Untapped Potential of Live Chat

Potential of Live Chat

The popularity of managed live chat has grown immensely in recent years with the number of companies offering managed live chat on their websites increasing steadily. As technology advanced, the effectiveness of live chat improved in tandem. This has made managed live chat more accessible and cost-effective for businesses of all sizes and purposes. More

Benefits of Outsourced Live Chat

Outsourced Live Chat

What is Live Chat? Live chat is a tool that lets a business communicate online with its clients in real-time. A visitor to the website can pose a query on the live chat app and expect a prompt reply. Live chat is an alternative to phone calls and email. It is very effective; almost 80%

Managed Live Chat – Things You Need to Consider Before Implementing

Managed Live Chat

It’s compelling. Customers who prefer live chat over other customer support methods – 42%. Customers who are satisfied after using live chat – 73%. Customers who are likely to repurchase from a brand that offers live chat support – 52%. (Sources:, How does live chat fire up the conversion rates? It’s been suggested

How to Grow Your Business Using a Proactive Managed Live Chat Service

Managed Chat Agent

We see that you’ve started reading this. Let us guess. You have either implemented live chat on your website or you’re romancing the idea. Either way, let us help you learn more about how a fully-managed live chat service can revolutionise your business and your online presence. There’s already significant statistical data indicating a web

Managed Live Chat Services for Automotive Dealers

Live Chat Services

You have already come across a lot of methods to market your brand, drive more traffic and increase your conversions. If a fully managed live chat service is not one of them, you might need to think again. It’s just common knowledge to know that it gives a better impression when you respond faster to

Is Self Managed Live Chat Really Worth It?

Fully Managed Live Chat

With the current pandemic coming to an end (hopefully) and restrictions starting to ease, it’s time for your dealership to look at all the ways it has at its disposal to generate much-needed sales and service leads to get you going again. One of the most costs effective ways to do that is to install