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Three Ways to Increase Online Customer Engagement

Three Ways to Increase Online Customer Engagement -

The modern customer is evolving almost daily. Now that customers have realised their place in the scheme of things, they are becoming tough to satisfy. They are more discerning and demanding and have also decided that instant response is well within their rights. This means that as a business, the ball is always in your

What is Live Chat And How does Live Chat Works?

what is live chat and how does it works

Live chat is a website-based technology that allows you to connect with visitors in real-time. It’s a time-saving communication tool for both your support agents and your clients. Customers can speak directly with staff from a company’s customer service, technical support, and other departments via live chat. On the website, the live chat software will

Making Your Customers Happy – The Live Chat Way

Live Chat Tool

All it took was just 3 minutes. This was the second time I had ordered from the same online retailer and didn’t receive the order. Three options were given by the support website – phone call, email and live chat. A phone call seemed quicker, but I was not in the mood to talk to

How Live Chat Services Can Support Your Marketing Campaign

Car Dealer Live Chat Service

Live chat is a superpower that most marketers are yet to figure out completely. In the world of customer support, the need for personalised and relevant interactions is more than ever. Live chat has emerged as a tool with one of the highest customer satisfaction rates. A lot of companies out there still think live