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5 KPIs to Measure Your Live Chat Effectiveness

5 KPIs to Measure Your Live Chat Effectiveness

What is Live Chat?

Live chat is a fantastic tool for businesses to interact with clients in real-time and create enduring relationships. Additionally, it gives clients a quick and easy way to contact your company with their questions and problems.

Customers have immediate access to support and assistance through a live chat system, no matter where they are. While waiting for an agent’s response, customers can multitask. While engaging in responsive live chat with a consumer, the chat operators can search for and acquire supporting information without putting the customer on hold.

Why should we measure it?

It is challenging to determine what’s working and what isn’t, as well as how you can develop it further unless you monitor your live chat process and have an efficient live chat plan for business growth. The following are the KPI’s mostly used to measure live chat performance.

The Number of Live Chats

Calculating the number of chats your department has received is easy and can tell you a lot. Here are some things you can work out with this metric:

  • Accepted chats

This gives you an idea about how good the agents are and their ethics. Rejecting or passing of chats to other agents should be done only after due process is followed.

  • The live chat count vs company expectation

The visibility and placement of the live chat button play a role in the number of live chats your company gets. Changing marketing and strategy may generate more traffic to your website.

  • Missed chats

This shows how effective your staffing is for peak hours. You may need to hire more agents or reschedule if it is high. Missed chats also indicate an opportunity to train the agents to be more efficient.

  • Number Of Offline Chats

More offline chats mean your operating time needs to be optimised. You need to look at adding to or moving your working hours.

The First Response Time

No one enjoys being kept waiting for customer service. Therefore, the effectiveness of your live chat increases with a decreased first response time. To start, you can monitor the average initial response time for all your chats. Is it less than 30 seconds, one minute or five minutes This will give a good idea about how effectively your live chat system operates.

Further, you can observe each agent’s first response time in detail to determine which agents could benefit from increased resources or training to increase their effectiveness. Once you know the cause, you can take the appropriate actions to reduce your initial response, whether by adding more agents, improving your technology, or investigating the performance of your product.

First Contact Resolution

The percentage of problems handled on the first chat is known as first contact resolution. So obviously, the higher your FCR, the better. Prioritizing first contact resolution will help you minimise repeat contacts and cut down on line wait times. The amount of time consumers spend trying to locate a solution is decreased, and customer satisfaction is increased by encouraging agents to emphasise this statistic. You need to understand why client concerns are not resolved during the first session if you want to enhance this measure.

Live Chat Duration

Average chat time, which refers to the typical amount of time each agent spends on a chat, is a good metric for assessing agent performance. You may encourage a quick, succinct resolution of customer issues by measuring and evaluating the average chat time. Here are some other factors to consider when calculating your typical talk time:

  1. Poor communication skills of the chat agent
  2. Poor communication skills of users
  3. Poor access to resources
  4. Are agents making use of all the available tools
  5. Are agents pushing for speed
  6. Are chats simple or complicated
  7. Are agents making use of all the available tools

Sort your live chats into subjects to determine the user questions that take the longest to be answered. Create custom workflows to address problems more quickly. Find out, for instance, which questions demand screen sharing or video support. For those subjects, make instructional videos that agents can easily share with users, or teach your agents how to handle them using screen-sharing.

Customer Happiness

Every company exists to satisfy its clients. However, many businesses ignore customer satisfaction in their fatal error of trying to maximise operational efficiency. They don’t care to find out whether the customer received a good response in their efforts to shorten initial response times and boost FCR rates. Customer satisfaction is a crucial statistic for assessing the performance of your live chat tool as well as the standards of your organization’s processes, policies, and goods. There are several ways to determine how satisfied customers are with your live chat system.

To start, you can ask customers to assess their chat experience (or their likelihood to refer to your company) on a scale of 10 to get a better idea of how they feel about it and what they anticipate from future interactions. As you get additional feedback, you may invite customers to respond to a post-chat survey with more in-depth inquiries about what they thought should be improved.

The post-chat customer satisfaction survey is one of the most thorough metrics. You will get a more consistent, accurate range of comments if you have agents urge clients to participate in the survey. This is so because only consumers with a particularly positive or negative experience would typically respond to a survey. The data produced as a result does not accurately represent the whole customer service experience. To learn what consumers think about your brand, website, customer service, certain chat agents, or even a particular pain point, you can design tailored post-conversation surveys. For instance, if your live chat was about a billing issue, you can share a survey with your customer that is unique to billing issues.

A live chat system functions as the organization’s eyes and ears. It enables you to swiftly pinpoint the areas where customers are most unhappy, collect insightful user feedback, discover fresh suggestions for product enhancement, and steer your company the right way. You may successfully manage your live chat process and use it to satisfy clients if you keep an eye on the proper KPIs. Live Chat Agent is Australia’s number one conversational platform and offers a fully-managed live chat tool that will make your website a lead-generation magnet.

Author Details
CEO of Live Chat Agent
Tracey Horey is a 20 year veteran of the Automotive industry and has been writing Automotive content and helping Dealerships optimise their digital space for over 15 years. Her experience working with various sized dealerships and her passion for exploring and understanding new tools for the auto industry has given her an in depth understanding of the challenges all dealerships face in a changing landscape.

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