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Top Reasons Why Live Chat is Important for Your Website

There comes a time for every business when they find themselves at the threshold of choosing between what they have to do and what they are doing. Like plants grow toward the light, businesses have to grow toward the future.

Top Reasons Why Live Chat is Important for Your Website

A fully-managed live chat is one of the most desired elements in website design. Live chat services are essential for organisations since they improve client relations and increase customer satisfaction. Compared to more conventional forms of client communication, it increases sales and lowers costs. It will help you gain several advantages when growing your company to the next level. Live chat software is a “must have” that should be the number one priority for your company when you look at website design.

A 2015 Forester study concluded that “live chat leads to an increase of 48% revenue per chat hour and a 40% conversion rate.”

If you’re looking for ways to engage your customers and provide them with superior customer services online, there’s nothing more efficient than our fully managed live chat services. Our live chat software can help you keep track of visitors to your website. While going through your website, visitors will be prompted to use the chat option to speak with a support representative if it appears that they won’t finish the checkout procedure.

Fast forward to 2021, and live chat stats showed that over 41% of customers expect live chat on your website, and it was projected to grow substantially over the next 18 months.

A study by AMA points out that live chat can be used effectively throughout the customer journey with considerable improvements in marketing awareness, early-stage sales development and post-sales customer support.

According to live chat data, customers increasingly prefer live chat for communication with businesses. However, to provide your audience with a high-quality experience, you must strike the ideal balance and properly utilise technical improvements. Below are some of the critical things you need to know to determine how to proceed.

Enough of Stats Already!

Let’s look away from the numbers and look inside at you! As a potential customer, wouldn’t it be better for you to get a faster response than to have to wait around for long? Obviously, faster service will make you happy, and it is more likely that you will buy the product or service.

Fully-managed live chat is one of the best tools many B2B and B2C companies use on their websites.

Why? Because it generates qualified leads. It helps your business grow.

But the live chat tool services can do more. Let’s examine why your website needs a fully-managed live chat service.

More Power To Your Customers

Having questions answered by an actual human during an online purchase process is probably a deciding factor in closing out that purchase. Businesses can seldom neglect the power of real-time conversation.

Your customers could be of two types – potential buyers and your current customers. The first group uses live chat to learn more about product specs, find specific items and compare products.

The second group might use live chat to check their orders’ status, know about return policies and report bugs.

When these areas are addressed promptly, unsurprisingly, they positively influence your customers’ purchase decisions. Your customer feels more empowered and is left satisfied at the end of their online session.

Saves Money

It’s cost-efficient, but how?

Fully-managed live chat services provide ample options for chat resource utilisation. Trained live chat agents can handle multiple chats simultaneously. So, you don’t need to hire more agents.

When your customer gets real-time answers to questions, it increases the average order value. Product returns are kept to a minimum as the live chat agent helps your customer pick the right product or service.

Compared to a call centre, a fully-managed live chat service reduces the help desk cost by minimising the wait time.

More Conversions, More Sales

When there’s a real person to help decide on a purchase, it adds to customer confidence, leading the customer to spend more time on your website. This positive experience increases the average order value, affecting your sales.

Proper training for the live chat agents ensures increased conversion. Improved typing and conversational skills will add to the value of the agents, which will be reflected in increased conversions. When you teach your agents how to be ready with relevant information about your products, they will be in a better position to recommend additional purchases.

A fully-managed live chat service has all these areas covered for you. You’re backed up by an efficient team of live chat agents who deliver superior customer service to your customers.

More Businesses Are Using Live Chat

Live chat customer service has been popular only during the last ten years, despite having been around for a while. Customers’ expectations are constantly rising, and firms must adapt to meet them if they wish to stay current and grow. The introduction of the latest technologies by many businesses to automate processes and boost productivity is a prime driver of this expansion. Today, tech-savvy customers are used to instant messaging systems, and data shows that over 79% of them prefer live chat since it provides swift support.

With a quick customer enquiry solution and improved customer experience, a fully-managed live chat is undeniably one of the most effective ways to communicate with your customer.

Talk To People Around The World In Their Language

Earlier, you would have had to open offices worldwide to grow your business. This would ensure that customers could communicate with people nearby. With our live chat, you can be confident that you are available for your customers no matter where they are. In addition, you can talk with them in their language of choice thanks to live chat software. Our live chat software also lets you use Google Translate rather than having to hire interpreters.

Live Chat Helps Provide Better Service As You Grow.

Providing excellent customer service gets more and more challenging as your organisation expands. There are additional requirements when you have more clients. You can use the live chat software on your website instead of making a significant investment in a call centre. Your representatives will find it simpler to serve more than one consumer at a time, helping you grow without spending much money.

Get Lean & Mean

To remain competitive, you must be at the top of your game. Many other companies may be selling similar products or services. You need to make a difference for current and potential clients, and live chat can help you do this effectively. If you don’t provide the best quality of customer care you possibly can, you can lose clients. Doing this efficiently will ensure that you retain your existing customers and gain new ones.

Customers Need Instant Responses.

If we look at live chat performance benchmarks, over 75% of the customers prefer live chat due to the instantaneous response to their queries. However, this is not the only factor. 

  • 51% of customers prefer live chat due to multitasking.
  • 46% believe it to be the most effective form of communication. 
  • 29% believe the information obtained in this manner is more accurate
  • 21% can chat while at work
  • 22% dislike conversing on the phone

Identifying & Fixing Issues

If email is your primary customer service method, customers may have to wait hours or even days to receive the assistance required. The fact is, if you don’t deal with stuff straight away, the issues might become worse. Customers will also submit unfavourable reviews and badmouth you if they don’t feel their needs are met.

You can solve issues much more quickly with live chat. Use the benefits of our fully-managed live chat to handle non-technical consumers instead of contacting them by phone or email. This entails emailing them screenshots, knowledge base articles, and other materials. They can follow your detailed instructions and update you on the situation in real-time. It makes it simpler to offer the kind of support that will genuinely benefit your clients, and they will be sure to show their appreciation to you for the support provided.

Live Chat Pricing

Live chat is one critical tool you should implement on your website today. Visit Live Chat Agent Website or call Tracey at 1800 332 428 to learn how to make your website dynamic with 24/7, fully-managed live chat support that delivers qualified leads from your website and Facebook page.

Author Details
CEO of Live Chat Agent
Tracey Horey is a 20 year veteran of the Automotive industry and has been writing Automotive content and helping Dealerships optimise their digital space for over 15 years. Her experience working with various sized dealerships and her passion for exploring and understanding new tools for the auto industry has given her an in depth understanding of the challenges all dealerships face in a changing landscape.

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